
New World

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New World Standard Steam key Global cover
GenresOpen World Multiplayer MMORPG
Can be activated globally in all regions
For Steam use only
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51 EUR

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About The Game

Explore a thrilling, open-world MMO teeming with danger and opportunity, where you'll carve out a new destiny as an adventurer shipwrecked on the supernatural island of Aeternum. Discover endless chances to fight, forage, and forge amid the island's wilderness and ruins. Harness supernatural forces or wield deadly weapons in a classless, real-time combat system. Engage in battles alone, with a small team, or as part of massive armies in both PvE and PvP encounters—the choices are yours. Key Features: Carve Your Destiny For thousands of years, Aeternum has inspired fantastical legends—and now you've found it. Shipwrecked without supplies or allies, you must navigate a perilous world where supernatural powers rewrite the rules. In this land, your destiny is yours to shape. A Land Shaped by Magic Aeternum's mysteries run deep and dark. Uncover the island's secret history and the truth behind its strange inhabitants. As you explore, you'll find beauty, danger, and opportunity at every turn. Use all your skills to harness the island's bounty and survive its horrors. Swords, Guns & Sorcery Arm yourself with brutal melee weapons, ranged artillery, or supernatural powers and dive into New World's classless, real-time action combat system. Shape your gameplay experience: act as a frontline shield, sling spells to support allies, or forge your unique path. Stronger Together Central to New World's social dynamics are three factions, organizations of players and NPCs with their own motives for the island's future. Join a faction to wage war, claim, defend, and develop territory in Aeternum.

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