
The Strange City

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The Strange City Standard Steam key Global cover
GenresAction Adventure Indie
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About The Game

The Strange City is a single-player horror adventure game that invites you into a world of eerie mysteries and strange discoveries.The Strange City—A World of Mystery, Fear, and SurvivalOn an unsettling night, Agent G awakens after a brutal car crash. Disoriented and alone, she notices two mysterious lights drifting into the forest. Compelled by an inexplicable force, G ventures deeper into the unknown. Only by reaching the end of this haunting path will she uncover the true reason for her adventure—and the secrets that await in the shadows.Each Chapter Challenges You to Adapt and Think on Your FeetIn The Strange City, survival demands more than courage—it requires wit. Across five chapters, relentless pursuers each employ unique hunting tactics to track G. To endure, you must outsmart their unyielding chase, search the fear-filled environments, and uncover the escape route!Only Those Who Break Their Limits Will SurviveSurvival won’t come easy—each chapter culminates in a final encounter that will push your instincts and resolve to limits. Only those who conquer these final trials can move forward to the next chapter of the journey.Uncover the Secrets of The Strange CityWhat will she find waiting at the end of the path? Dive into The Strange City and discover the reason behind G’s fateful adventure.*Photosensitivity Seizure Warning - Please read this notice before playing.A few people may experience seizures when exposed to flashing lights or visual patterns in video games. Even individuals without a history of seizures or epilepsy may experience a condition known as "photosensitive epilepsy" when playing video games.

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