
The Last Faith

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The Last Faith Standard Steam key Global cover
GenresAction Adventure Indie Platformer
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14 EUR

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About The Game

The Last Faith is an exploration-based Metroidvania, action side-scrolling platformer with dark and gothic horror themes at its core. An ancient religion is ruling for centuries the world left to its fate. The once majestic capital and full of a glorious past, is now decadent and haunted by a fatal disease. Eric will have to subvert the words of the hidden prophecy and discover the truth behind the now corrupted and ravaged world. Wield one of the variety weapons, use elemental buffs to power them up, cast tons of magic spells discovered in the giant cathedrals, face the beast, slay the horrendous abominations feeding on blood and travel around the stunning high-detailed gothic lands. Features - Satisfying reactive action combat system - A high number of different weapons - Use of the special buffs to power up you weapons - A variety of magic spells to support your combats - A giant world with terrific gothic environments - Learn a range of new abilities - Interact with environment elements - Exploration, mysteries and puzzles to solve - Unique and creepy enemies - A highly detailed pixel art style

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