
Severed Steel

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Severed Steel Standard Steam key Global cover
GenresAction Shooter Indie
Can be activated globally in all regions
For Steam use only
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About The Game

Severed Steel is a single-player FPS featuring a fluid stunt system, destructible voxel environments, loads of bullet time, and a unique one-armed protagonist. It's you, your trigger finger, and a steel-toed boot against a superstructure full of bad guys. Chain together wall runs, dives, flips, and slides to take every last enemy down. A unique fighter Play as Steel, a nimble, one-armed sharpshooter on a mission. There is no reloading – pick your shots well and be ready to pry a loaded weapon from your enemies' cold dead hands. Stylish combat Dodge bullets, leap off walls, slide kick, throw weapons – do whatever it takes to come out on top in intense and frenzied firefights. Fully destructible environment Pepper through plaster with sharp 4.7 mm rounds, punch through thick concrete with .50 cal slugs, or make big holes in things with your arm cannon. Dynamic AI No two battles are the same thanks to dynamic, unscripted, squad-based AI.

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