You are a puppet created by Geppetto, ensnared in a web of lies, with unimaginable monsters and untrustworthy figures obstructing your path in the world of Lies of P. Awakened by a mysterious voice, you navigate the plagued city of Krat—a once vibrant place now poisoned by madness and bloodlust. In this soulslike adventure, adapt yourself and your weapons to face untold horrors, unravel the secrets of the city's elites, and decide whether to confront challenges with truth or weave lies to overcome them on your journey of self-discovery. A DARKLY ELEGANT AND CRUEL WORLD: Uncover the secrets of Krat, a city steeped in Belle Epoque elegance, now drenched in blood due to its puppet industry. BATTLE WITH TWISTED INSTRUMENTS: Develop a unique combat style by combining dynamic weapon sets, utilizing Legion Arms, and activating new abilities to counter vicious enemies and challenging terrain. WHAT’S IN A LIE?: Face choices where you can either comfort others in sorrow by lying or choose to tell the truth. A CLASSIC REIMAGINED: Experience the classic tale of Pinocchio reinterpreted as a dark, grim narrative, allowing players to uncover the secrets and symbols hidden within the world of Lies of P. Carve your own path in this dark reimagining of a beloved fairy tale.
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