Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to Frontier’s 2018 hit management simulation, Jurassic World Evolution. This installment introduces a brand-new narrative campaign featuring voices from the Jurassic World film franchise, alongside thrilling new features, four engaging game modes, and an expanded roster of awe-inspiring dinosaurs. In Campaign mode, take on the role of a park management expert in an original story that picks up after the dramatic events of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. You’ll team up with iconic characters like Dr. Ian Malcolm (voiced by Jeff Goldblum) and Claire Dearing (voiced by Bryce Dallas Howard) to control, conserve, and contain wild dinosaurs now roaming the USA. Experience deeper management tools and enhanced creativity. Design your park with customizable buildings, hire new Scientists, and balance the needs of both your guests and dinosaurs. Unleash your imagination in Sandbox mode or face diverse challenges and environmental threats in Challenge mode. Relive pivotal moments from the Jurassic World and Jurassic Park films through “what-if” scenarios, offering unique twists on key events. Each level takes place across iconic eras and locations from the entire film series, allowing you to shape the outcome. With over 75 prehistoric species, including the long-awaited flying and marine reptiles, Jurassic World Evolution 2 brings these creatures to life like never before. Dinosaurs behave more intelligently, battling for territory and adapting to their environments. You can also use bioengineering to customize them with vibrant new colors and traits, creating your own prehistoric wonders.
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