
Age of Empires IV

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18 EUR

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About The Game

Celebrating its first year of captivating millions of players worldwide, the award-winning strategy franchise continues with Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition. Immerse yourself in even more epic historical battles that have shaped the world. With familiar elements and innovative new features, Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition elevates the real-time strategy genre to new heights. This celebratory edition includes a wealth of free new content such as additional civilizations, maps, updates, languages, and new gameplay elements like masteries, challenges, taunts, and cheats—all offered at an incredible value, delivering more historical depth than ever before. New Civilizations and Maps: Lead the powerful Malians of West Africa, renowned for their economic prowess in mining and gold trading. Alternatively, command the Ottoman civilization, known for its formidable military strength, including the mighty Great Bombards—devastating siege cannons that dominate the battlefield. Customize Your Experience with Mods (Beta): Shape your gameplay with robust creator tools in the new Mod Editor beta. Design custom skirmish and multiplayer maps, create unique missions, develop data-driven tuning packs, and experiment with new game modes for Age of Empires IV. Return to History: Dive into a rich historical setting featuring 10 diverse civilizations—from the English to the Chinese to the Delhi Sultanate—spanning 500 years from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance. Build cities, manage resources, and lead armies on land and sea across 4 distinct campaigns with 35 missions. An Age for Everyone: Age of Empires IV welcomes newcomers with a tutorial system that teaches real-time strategy essentials and a Campaign Story Mode designed for easy setup and success. Meanwhile, veterans will find evolved game mechanics, advanced strategies, and new combat techniques to master. Challenge the World: Compete, cooperate, or spectate with up to 7 friends in PVP and PVE multiplayer modes, including ranked seasons and more. Choose Your Path to Greatness: Step into the shoes of historical figures like Joan of Arc or Genghis Khan in gripping campaigns where every decision shapes the course of history.

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